
new home for my blog?

bon, skyblog, c'est marrant un moment, mais il est peut-être temps de passer à quelque-chose d'un peu plus sérieux qui ne mettrait pas des horribles publicités flash partout, non ? c'est pas e-papou qui dira le contraire, en tout cas ...

c'est pas encore garanti que je déplacerai tout le contenu ici, mais pour les bilous, c'est quasi-certain.

Okay, skyblog.com hosting is fun for a moment ... but now that i'm used to blogs, maybe it's time to turn towards something looking more "pro" that wouldn't be sticking auwful ads all over the place, isn't it? well, at least e-daddy won't argue on this one. I probably won't move all the content, but at least you should be able to see the Bilou-related news (the comic, i mean, not my experiments on DS programming).

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